
To anyone else that has this problem: I didn't find a solution. In the end I used Fiddler to check what files were being requested and I downloaded them manually in my browser. A reddit dedicated to the profession of Computer System Administration. Rules. Community members shall conduct themselves with professionalism. Do not expressly advertise your product. Additional Software: This will install the Logos Performance Tool and Microsoft's Windows Performance Toolkit (WPTx64 or WPTx86) if it is not already present. Using the Performance Tool. The Logos Performance Tool will enable additional logging in Logos to diagnose potential performance issues. To begin, open the "Logos Performance Tool". Applies to: Windows Server 2012 Windows 8 Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows 7 Does not work with: Windows Server 2008 Windows Vista Windows Server 2003 Windows XP Updated Well, this is interesting. I’ve re-downloaded 8.1 ADK and WPTx64-x86_en-us.msi was identical to the one I used years ago. Then I noticed WPT patch in the distribution: \Patches.100.26866\WPTx64-x86_en-us.msp. I applied it, which upgraded my environment to WPTx64 version 8.100.26837. The patch deployed a few modules from 6.3.9600.17 builds. WPTx64_Install.log. Cannot install or remove the Windows HLK Controller. If you encounter issues installing the Windows HLK Controller, confirm the following: The operating system uses the English language (en-us) version of Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 or Windows Server 2012 and is not running as a domain controller. Windows Enterprise Client Boot and Logon Optimization WPA Windows Performance Toolkit Slow Boot WECBLO xperf SBSL WPT Slow Logon Azure DFSR DFS Replication Azure Active Directory Message Analyzer Parsing Multi-Forest User Migration AAD Connect Jeremy Renner takes aim at ‘Hawkeye’ series for Disney+ service ‘Grease’ prequel ‘Summer Loving’ in the works; More than super friends — “family”: Robert Downey Jr. calls his Marvel movie run “a blessed affair”. If any Name, Type, or Value does not match the table in step 3, right-click the Value name, and then click Delete.; In the left pane, right-click User Shell Folders, point to New, click Expandable String Value, type the Name value that you want from the table in step 3, and then press ENTER. http://download.microsoft.com/download/E/1/F/E1F1E61E-F3C6-4420-A916-FB7C47FBC89E/standalonesdk/Installers/0253f7df0974f9d7169b410d812a5385.cab. Should I remove WPTx64 by Microsoft? WPTx64 is a suite of tools to help capture and analyze traces. Technical articles, content and resources for IT Professionals working in Microsoft technologies. 8.0 ISO – DX Debug Layers. Microsoft don’t seem to offer a conglomerated ISO download for the current 8.1 SDK release, just a small web installer. All are talking about Windows 10 but what about the developer Tools? Since 4/20/2015 you can also download the beta of the upcoming Visual Studio 2015 and Windows. 管理者権限でログインしてもう一度お試しください. Windows8でゲームしていたKOEIの三國志11を、Windows10のパソコンに.